You nature is really funny at times that it make everything easy for us.
yes it made an easy knowledge every.
one may, ok below are 5 easy signs that you are pregnant without going to lab
1)Breast Tenderness:
Oftentimes, women who are
newly pregnant experience pain and tenderness
in their breasts. This starts approximately two
seconds after you conceive. It’s one of the
earliest symptoms some women experienced
during there pregnancies. The tenderness and
soreness can be quite intense, too. What this
means is that wearing a bra can really hurt. Of
course, not wearing a bra can really hurt, too. You
won’t be able to sleep on your stomach unless
you want to feel like someone is hitting you in the
chest with a baseball bat. If your husband touches
you in this very tender area, you are completely
justified in kicking him in the shins. It’s not all
bad, though, as this is the perfect excuse to stop
jogging on that treadmill and to start using it as
something more functional — like a clothes
hanger. So if your breasts are tender and sore, you
just might be pregnant.
2)Morning Sickness:
Another sign of possible
pregnancy is the dreaded morning sickness.
Although morning sickness doesn’t usually start
up in earnest until you’re four to six weeks
pregnant, if you’re lucky, you could start feeling
nauseous earlier than that. If you’re lucky enough
to have a toddler in diapers and you vomit
repeatedly while changing smelly diapers, you just
might be pregnant. This wasn’t a problem when I
was pregnant with my first baby, but I had at least
one child in diapers with each subsequent
pregnancy. It was not fun. A heightened sense of
smell for both nasty and sweet scents is common
in pregnancy, so if you suddenly find yourself
smelling chocolate chip cookies from the
bakery that’s fifty-eight miles away, you could
possibly be pregnant.
Of course, not all women experience morning
sickness, so you may not ever have this symptom.
If that’s true for you, congratulations—I no longer
like you. Go sit in the corner with my sister and
sister-in-law, who never so much as hiccupped,
let alone vomited, during their pregnancies.
3)Missed Period:
A big sign of pregnancy is skipping
your period for over a month. This is a pretty
good indication of pregnancy, although stress can
do funny things to your body, and what causes
more stress than wondering if you’re pregnant or
not? This isn’t a telltale sign if you’re irregular to
begin with. If you could set your clock by the
monthly visit of dear Aunt Flo, then this sign is
probably more reliable for you. This is one of the
most pleasant symptoms of pregnancy. In fact, it
may just be the best part of pregnancy, save
giving birth to your new little baby. I mean, you
get to go a whole nine months with no period!
Kind of makes you want to get pregnant just for
that little fringe benefit, doesn’t it? But, as with all
good things, this too must end, and after giving
birth, let me tell ya, your uterus more than makes
up for lost time.
Being exhausted is another very common
sign of pregnancy. During the first few months
of pregnancy, I couldn’t stay awake past 8:00
p.m., and I found myself nodding off while sitting
at red lights during the day. If you fall asleep on
your desk at work or in your chicken salad at
lunch, there’s a good chance you could be
pregnant. I remember driving home on my lunch
hour while I was pregnant with my first child. I’d
get home and head toward the kitchen to make
lunch, but I would pass out on the couch before I
ever pulled out a plate. I needed those little naps.
You may think you’ve experienced tiredness, but
until you’ve gotten pregnant, you have no idea
how that extreme pregnancy-fatigue feels. Even
toothpicks in your eyelids can’t keep your eyes
open when you’re newly pregnant. When I
was pregnant with my first baby, I was certain I
had mono. No way could pregnancy cause a
person to be so tired. Clearly, there was
something very wrong with me, I decided.
Of course, this sign isn’t as noticeable in mothers
who already have one or more children, since
sleep deprivation and fatigue are pretty much a
way of life for us moms.
5)Mood Swings:
And let’s not forget the mood
swings. Mood swings are very commonplace in
pregnancy. My husband could usually tell I was
pregnant when he said something innocuous like,
“You look nice today,” and instead of thanking him,
I whipped my head around, shot laser beams from
my eyes, and snapped, “What’s that supposed to
mean?!” While watching television, I’d see a
commercial for car insurance and burst into tears.
I just never knew what might set me off. I was a
veritable Sybil throughout my pregnancies. And
here’s the thing about mood swings—you don’t
even realize you’re nuts when you’re pregnant.
You can’t clearly see your irrational behavior, and
you’ll most likely think that everyone else is
irritable — not you.
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